
Become a volunteer

Rewarding experience that positively impacts the lives of vulnerable children. Your commitment as a volunteer contributes to building a brighter future for these children in need.

Get Involved

You can make a positive impact on the lives of orphaned children by volunteering your time, skills, or resources, and putting smiles on th faces of the less privilaged by getting Involved.

Adopt a child

As a transformative act of love and compassion, provides a vulnerable child with the opportunity for a stable, nurturing family environment by opening your heart and home to take them in.

Urgent cause

Clean Water for Children in Port Harcout

We prioritize the well-being of every child under our care. Clean water is not just a basic necessity; it's a fundamental right. We are committed to ensuring that every child has access to safe and clean water, free from contaminants. With your support, we can install advanced water purification systems, safeguarding the health of our children. Clean water empowers them to thrive, learn, and dream of a brighter future. Together, let's quench their thirst for knowledge and opportunity, ensuring that every drop they drink nourishes not only their bodies but also their aspirations. Your contribution makes a lasting impact.

About us

Welcome To Our Charity Organization

We are more than just a charity organization, we are a beacon of hope and love for the precious souls in our care With unwavering commitment, we provide a nurturing home for orphaned children, offering them not just shelter, but a foundation for a brighter future. Your support has been instrumental in creating a haven where laughter resonates, dreams flourish, and possibilities unfold.

About About About About

  • We provide shelter and accommodation
  • We provide nutrition and healthcare
  • We provide education
  • We provide emotional support
  • We provide legal assistance
  • We provide psychological support
12 Years Experiences
Our Causes

Our Latest Causes

In our orphanage home, our latest causes focus on nurturing dreams and fostering hope for every child. We strive to provide quality education, emotional support, and a safe, loving environment. Through community engagement and dedicated care, we aim to empower these resilient young souls, ensuring a brighter future filled with possibilities.


Water For All Children

This a vital initiative in our orphanage home, ensuring every child has access to clean, safe water.


Clean Education Help

Our orphanage home promotes a conducive learning environment, fostering the holistic development of our children.


The Right of Childen

We prioritize the well-being, ensuring a safe and nurturing environment for our children, where they can thrive emotionally, socially, and academically.



Only when the society comes together and contribute will be able to make an impact.

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Our Event

Our Upcoming Event

We carry out out outreaches on quarterly bases to the homeless. To sensitize them on hygiene and other, provide for them and reach out to their needs in some areas like:

Food For Hunger
  • Port Harcourt
  • Sunday, 08:00am
25 dec
Adopt a Orphan Child
  • Port Harcourt
  • Friday, 10:00am
28 dec
Clean Water Event
  • Port Harcourt
  • Monday, 02:00pm
30 dec
Education For Children
  • Port Harcourt
  • Satday, 09:00pm
31 dec

How can we help you?

Do you have any question we can clear you with? please open up to us for clarifications.

our primary goal is to provide abandoned children with a safe, nurturing, and supportive environment. We understand the challenges these children face and are committed to offering comprehensive care to meet their physical, emotional, and educational needs. By addressing the holistic needs of abandoned children, we strive to give them a chance at a brighter and more promising future. Our commitment is unwavering, and we are grateful for the support of individuals, organizations, and communities that share our vision for the well-being of these vulnerable children.
our mission is deeply rooted in the belief that every child deserves a chance for a brighter future, regardless of their circumstances. Port Harcourt, being a city with its unique set of challenges, has a significant number of children who are vulnerable and in need of support. our decision to focus on helping Port Harcourt children is driven by a combination of local needs, community empowerment, collaboration, a commitment to breaking the cycle of poverty, and a broader vision of global citizenship. Together, we can make a positive and lasting impact on the lives of these children, providing them with the tools and support they need to build a brighter future.
We deeply appreciate your willingness to extend a helping hand to those in need. There are several ways you can contribute and make a positive impact on the lives of the children in our orphanage: 1. Donations: Your financial support can make a significant difference. You can contribute a one-time donation or set up a recurring donation to provide ongoing assistance. Every contribution, no matter the size, helps us meet the various needs of the children, including education, healthcare, and daily essentials.
2. Sponsorship Programs: Consider becoming a sponsor for a child or a specific program. Sponsoring a child ensures that they receive consistent support for their education, healthcare, and overall well-being. Sponsorship programs also allow you to build a meaningful connection with the child through updates and correspondence.
3. Volunteer Opportunities: If you're looking for a hands-on approach, inquire about our volunteer programs. Depending on your skills and availability, you may assist with tutoring, organizing events, or contributing to specific projects. Your time and expertise can make a positive impact on the children's lives.
4. In-Kind Donations: Non-monetary contributions such as clothing, school supplies, books, and toys are always appreciated. Check our website or contact us directly to learn about our current needs and how you can contribute.
5. Spread the Word: Help us raise awareness by sharing our mission and stories on social media. The more people who know about our cause, the greater the potential for support. You can also organize fundraisers or events in your community to raise awareness and funds for our orphanage.
To get involved or inquire about specific opportunities, please contact our [contact information]. We appreciate your compassionate spirit and commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of the less fortunate. Together, we can create a brighter future for these children.
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Be Come Volunteer

Become a volunteer

Be a part of what make's the orphans smile by contributing to the betterment of their well-being.